Riverdale Location

6510 Kenilworth Ave. Suite 2300

Riverdale, MD 20737 US


301-927-FOOT (3668)

(301) 927-3667

Takoma Park Location

7610 Carroll Ave. Suite 380

Takoma Park, MD 20912 US


301-927-FOOT (3668)

(301) 927-3667


What Causes Bunions?

What Causes Bunions?

Whether you’re looking to prevent bunions or they’ve already developed, Dr. Herman Zarate at Zarate Podiatry in Takoma Park & Riverdale, MD is here to provide the personalized care you need.

Guide to Bunion Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

No one wants to deal with bunions. Those irritating, painful bony bumps at the joint of the big toe can cause discomfort and embarrassment. They can also keep you from getting out and enjoying life. Why do bunions form in the first place and what can you do about them? Dr. Zarate and the team at Zarate Podiatry in Takoma Park & Riverdale, MD can answer these questions and more.

What Causes Bunions? 

In short, bunions develop when something causes your big toe to point toward your second toe. Sometimes, it’s due to the structure of the foot. Other times, it’s due to an alignment issue in the feet. More often than not, though, it’s caused by wearing shoes that compress the big toe.

Due to this, bunions are more common in women, as they often wear narrow high heels. However, anywhere wearing shoes with a narrow toe box or that are too tight in general is at risk.

How to Prevent Bunions 

The first and most important step in preventing bunions is to choose the right shoe. Avoid narrow-toed shoes as much as possible. The wider the toe box, the less likely you’ll develop bunions.

The toe box is one thing to consider with shoe selection, but it’s not the only one. When wearing high heels, the feet naturally push further into the toe box. Even if the toe area is wide, it can still lead to unnecessary pressure on the toes. If you must wear heels or simply want to, aim for lower heels. And limit the time you wear them.

Consider using toe spacers to help keep your big toe in its proper place. Custom shoe inserts can also go a long way in providing the best support for your arches and toes. Additionally, stretching your feet and calf muscles each day can help relieve tension and maintain proper alignment in the feet.

What to Do If You Have Bunions 

If you’ve already developed a bunion, the steps above can still help. However, it’s wise to make an appointment with our podiatrist as soon as possible. The faster treatment can begin, the better. If a bunion becomes severe, surgery is an option. However, with proper care and early intervention, this can typically be avoided.

Get started with early prevention or treatment for bunions by visiting Dr. Zarate at Zarate Podiatry in Takoma Park & Riverdale, MD. Call (301) 927-FOOT (3668) to schedule an appointment today.

Contact Us

Takoma Park Location

7610 Carroll Ave. Suite 380 Takoma Park, MD, 20912, US

Office Hours

Our Regular Schedule

Takoma Park Location


1:00 pm-5:00 pm




9:00 am-4:00 pm


9:00 am-12:00 pm




9:00 am-12:00 pm (Every other Saturday)



Riverdale Location

6510 Kenilworth Ave. Suite 2300 Riverdale, MD, 20737, US



Riverdale Location




9:00 am-4:00 pm




1:30 pm-4:00 pm


10:00 am-4:00 pm



